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Sales of farm implements and equipment, by province and major group, 1960 to 1964

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Sales of farm implements and equipment, by province and major group, 1960 to 1964
  1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 Percentage
1963 to 1964
  $ thousands %
Canada 217,465 201,777 238,797 287,839 326,976 13.6
Atlantic provinces 7,693 8,165 6,722 6,712 8,044 19.8
Quebec 26,792 30,277 32,555 35,063 32,633 -6.9
Ontario 49,399 51,006 50,886 59,769 69,385 16.1
Manitoba 25,877 18,958 28,054 35,916 45,230 25.9
Saskatchewan 57,359 41,615 59,348 82,666 96,366 16.6
Alberta 44,993 45,723 55,294 61,930 68,149 10.0
British Columbia 5,352 6,033 5,938 5,783 7,169 24.0
Tractors and engines 80,093 74,764 80,631 97,678 114,067 16.8
Ploughs 11,635 11,460 10,969 12,934 15,877 22.8
Tilling, cultivating and weeding machinery 12,650 12,939 15,363 18,050 21,106 16.9
Planting, seeding and fertilizing machinery 7,873 8,224 9,477 11,380 14,447 27.0
Haying machinery 30,544 29,298 32,214 31,425 30,867 1.8
Harvesting machinery 46,485 37,631 57,626 78,182 85,645 9.5
Machines for preparing crops for market or for use 6,261 6,233 7,658 10,043 11,313 12.6
Farm wagons, wagon trucks and sleighs1 2,025 1,910 1,770 2,610 3,571 36.8
Barn equipment 4,095 4,535 5,892 6,289 7,268 15.6
Dairy machinery and equipment2 5,766 5,589 5,621 4,993 9,342 87.1
Spraying and dusting equipment 1,637 1,758 1,828 2,271 2,439 7.4
Miscellaneous farm equipment 8,401 7,436 9,748 11,984 11,034 -7.9
Source: Statistics Canada, Canada Year Book, 1967.