Information identified as archived is provided for reference, research or recordkeeping purposes. It is not subject to the Government of Canada Web Standards and has not been altered or updated since it was archived. Please contact us to request a format other than those available.
The tables in the Canada Year Book Historical Collection capture a detailed
statistical image of Canada. They are easily accessible and provide a numerical
way to help you understand any topic you choose to search.
The charts in
the Canada Year Book Historical Collection provide another dimension of Canada's
past. You can explore individual topics based on statistical content through
detailed bar, column and line charts.
The maps in
the Canada Year Book Historical Collection provide interactive views of various
places, patterns and distributions.
The photos in
the Canada Year Book Historical Collection range over 100 years. Many of these
black and white photographs show you what living and working was like in Canada in
the past.
The multimedia section
in the Canada Year Book Historical Collection includes film, television and
radio clips. These allow you to hear or see the sounds of people and events
that have helped make Canada what it is today.